Deborah Vasquez, M.F.A.
Assistant Professor
Humanities & Social Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences

Academic Background

  • M.F.A.   University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2000

Professional Memberships

  • NALAC National Association of Latino Arts and Culture

  • CAA College Art Association

  • Women's Caucus for the Arts

  • MALCS Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social

  • Coast to Coast: National Women Artist of Color, Jamaica, New York

  • NACCS National Association of Chicana & Chicano Studies

  • Central Wisconsin Women's Center for the Arts

  • MEChA Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan

Creative Activities

Local, (2014) Other Creative Activities, "Book Cover: Domestic Disturbances: Re-Imaging Narratives of Gender, Labor, and Immigration", .

Intellectual Contributions

Presentations of Refereed Papers


Vasquez, Deborah. (2014). La Guerrillera Project: Canciones, Arte y Curaciones. Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social Conference, Española, New Mexico.

Vasquez, Deborah. (2014). "La Catrina: An Amusing Satirical Bourgeois Symbol In A Celebration Rooted in Ancestral Culture.. Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts.


Vasquez, Deborah. (2014). Wild Tongues. San Antonio Main Library, San Antonio, Texas.