Meghan Carmody-Bubb
Assistant Professor
School of Business and Leadership
Leadership Studies

Academic Background

  • Ph.D.   Texas Tech University , Lubbock, Texas , Psychology , 1993

  • B.S.   Texas A&M University , College Station, Texas , 1986

Intellectual Contributions

Articles in Refereed Journals

Garcia, Melinda., Phyllis, Duncan., Carmody-Bubb, Meghan., & Ree, Malcolm. (2014). You have what?! Personality. Traits that predict leadership styles for elementary principals.. Psychology.

Presentations of Refereed Papers


Sun, Yu., Montoya, Jared., Wheeler, Carol., & Carmody-Bubb, Meghan. (2014). The authentic leadership questionnaire: How different is it from the multifactor leadership quesionnaire?. American Academy of Business Research, San Antonio, Texas.